Daily Archives: September 26, 2023

Pensions – what’s changing?

During the Spring Budget the Chancellor announced several changes to pensions including increasing the Annual Allowance and the Money Purchase Annual Allowance. The changes, the most significant since pensions freedoms in 2015, have largely been met with positivity, bringing greater … Continue reading

A defining moment – FTSE 350 female board representation

Three years ahead of schedule, FTSE
350 companies have met the target of achieving 40% female board representation, according to the latest FTSE Women Leaders Review.1

The report highlights ‘steady progress’ in getting women leaders to the ‘top table of business in the UK,’ with Nimesh
Patel and Penny James, co-chairs of the Review describing the achievement as “a defining moment and testament to the power of the voluntary approach and the
collective efforts of many businesses and
individuals over the last decade."

1. FTSE Women Leaders, 2023

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